About me

Pawel Kaczmarczyk is for long time now known as one of the elite European pianist. He has been recording his music for number of prestigious record companies such as ACT Music, Fresh Sound Records or Hevhetia and as an author of album named „Complexity In Simplicity” (ACT Music 2009), he became third at the certain time (after Stanko and Wasilewski) polish jazz artist who had chance to record his compositions for such known and respected company. What more, he did it as leader of the band.
Kaczmarczyk cooperates with Krakow’s famous jazz club “Klub U Muniaka” since the very beginning of 2000. Janusz Muniak, jazz legend, has chosen him to play with numbers of projects since 2002, where they both shared the stage with other Jazz masters as Lee Konitz, Joe Lovano, Branford Marsalis, Greg Osby, Zbigniew Namysłowski, Michal Urbaniak, Roman Gucio Dyląg.

From left: Paweł Kaczmarczyk – p., Greg Osby – as., Eric Revis – b., Branford Marsalis – ts., Joey Calderazzo – p., Lee Konitz – as., Adam Pierończyk – ts., Janusz Muniak – ts., Jeff „Tain” Watts – dr.
Paweł was a member of several pioneering piano projects, such as Chopin for 5 Grand Pianos (Sławek Jaskułke, Katarzyna Borek, Piotr Wyleżoł, Joanna Duda), or Możdżer/Wasilewski/Kaczmarczyk/Orzechowski 4 Grand Pianos.
The audience had chance to experience his music not only in Europe, where he comes from, but also USA, Arabic countries or India and together with his band he performed on the stages of greatest Russian philharmonics as well as Chinese and South Korean musical festivals.
If we were to ask what function art serves today, the answer could be found in Kaczmarczyk’s music, in listening to it and experiencing emotions that perhaps make us better, more empathetic and sensitive people.